The new Netflix show "13 Reasons Why" has recently stirred up controversy for its depiction of teen suicide. Educators and psychologists have warned that it could potentially trigger teens who are already mediating suicide to attempt it. Some have also accused it of glamorizing suicide, claiming the situation that unfolds after the main character takes her life is unrealistic.
The show's creators have defended the series, saying it has opened up a dialogue around the difficult topic of teen suicide, which is the second leading cause of death among teens in the United States. Today we'll discuss the controversy around "13 Reasons Why" and the way teen suicide is depicted in the media.
For help with anything you’re going through, especially suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255, or visit
- Alexa Curtis, founder, Media Impact and Navigation for Teens (MINT)
- Dr. John Ackerman, Suicide Prevention Coordinator, Nationwide Children's Hospital Center for Suicide Prevention and Research (CSPR)
- Dr. Matthew Fullen, Program Manager, Ohio State University Suicide Prevention Program