Michael Monks
Michael Monks brings a broad range of experience to WVXU-FM as the new host of Cincinnati Edition, Cincinnati Public Radio's weekday news and information talk show.
He's the publisher/editor/chief reporter for Northern Kentucky's River City News website who spends his weeknights covering city government or school board meetings.
As many avoided the hospital the past year, preventative screenings and patient outcomes have suffered. Now a study by researchers at the University of...
A new book brought two friends closer together. Inspired by letters written during the pandemic, racial justice marches and the election, its an epistle...
In May, Cincinnati voters will decide on a proposed Charter Amendment that would give $50 million dollars annually to an affordable housing trust fund...
On Cincinnati Edition 's weekly news review:
One year ago, the U.S. took a turn. Coronavirus cases in the country crossed the 1,000 mark and on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization...
For the past year the world has been gripped by a global pandemic. Face masks and social distancing have become a part of daily life. But for much...
The landmark Supreme Court case the made same sex marriage legal in the United States is the focus of one episode of the new Netflix documentary Amend ....
Since launching in 2014, Cincinnati Red Bike has served tens of thousands of riders around Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky with its bike share system....
Dr. O'dell Owens has held multiple positions of consequence in the Cincinnati area, serving as Hamilton County coroner, president of Cincinnati State...
Rural, small hospitals were facing economic challenges long before the COVID-19 pandemic captured the world in its grips. During the coronavirus health...