Jonathan Lambert
[Copyright 2024 NPR]
People who are immunocompromised continue to worry about COVID. A raft of products promise protection. Is there any evidence they can protect from infection or lessen severity of disease?
The new documentary Agent of Happiness explores Bhutan's efforts to measure its own "gross national happiness." The film follows one not-especially-happy agent who gathers the data.
A study finds that for countries worldwide, the "democratic experience" — through free and fair elections — plays a larger role than GDP in easing the burden of chronic diseases.
Researchers identified a strain of bacteria that flourishes in the guts of athletes after exercise. When transferred to mice, it gave a big boost in endurance. Could runners' probiotics be on the way?
Some scientists say Earth has entered a new geological epoch — the Anthropocene era — defined by human impact on the global landscape. Three artists traveled to 22 countries to see what we've wrought.
The FDA has strengthened oversight of experimental fecal transplants after a patient died of an infection. The donor's stool contained disease-causing pathogens, but was not tested before use.
A new book investigates the history of unsafe and deceptive practices by some generic-drug manufacturers, and explains why U.S. regulators struggle to keep up with a global industry.
The U.S. is in the midst of a record-breaking measles epidemic. What brought us here, who is most at risk and what do you need to know now?
Vaccination eliminated measles from the U.S. nearly 20 years ago. But with this year's record-setting outbreak, are we close to measles making a sustained comeback?
It's the only repellent that drives mosquitoes away when they come in contact with it. A new study has a theory about why that is.