John Otis
[Copyright 2024 NPR]
Former Colombian president Álvaro Uribe is to be held under house arrest while he is investigated for allegedly bribing witnesses in a case against him.
Nicolás Maduro has remained in control despite international pressure and attempts to remove him, while opposition leaders weaken.
The most dramatic case occurred earlier this month when a scramble to steal gasoline ended in a hellish fireball. Other recent incidents involved residents pilfering a humanitarian aid vehicle.
Seeking ways to boost to its economy, Colombia has set aside three tax-free shopping days this summer. Critics fear they could become super spreader events for the coronavirus.
The governor of Amazonas, Colombia, says it was impossible to cut the area off from Brazil, even as the virus spiked. Now the Colombian border town of Leticia is a coronavirus hot spot.
"It's not just city hall that has to act. You have to promote solidarity among neighbors," says a mayor who encourages residents sheltering in place to hang red rags so others will know to help them.
As the coronavirus lockdown dries up their already meager incomes, slum dwellers in Soacha, Colombia, are hanging red flags outside their homes to signal their need for a drop-off of food aid.
Since the country's 2016 peace deal, former rebels have joined armed groups operating in narcotics trafficking, extortion and illegal gold mining, according to the Colombian military.
Colombian officials say 12,000 Venezuelans have taken buses back to their home country since Colombia imposed restrictions to stop the coronavirus outbreak. Many other Venezuelans are fleeing on foot.
Venezuela's economy and health care systems collapsed long before coronavirus. Venezuelan refugees in Colombia have run out of cash and are returning home.