Dean Regas
Dean Regas has been the Astronomer for the Cincinnati Observatory since 2000. He is a renowned educator, a national popularizer of astronomy and an expert in observational astronomy.
Dean is the co-host of Star Gazers, a new twist on an iconic backyard astronomy program made famous by Jack Horkheimer, which airs on over 100 PBS stations around the world. He is a Contributing Editor to Sky and Telescopemagazine and a contributor to Astronomymagazine, where he won 2008 “Out-of-this-World” Award for astronomy education. Dean has written over 120 astronomy articles for the Cincinnati Enquirer, blogs for the Huffington Postand is regularly featured on television and radio.
Since 2012 Dean has been a frequent guest on National Public Radio’s Science Fridaywith Ira Flatow, and his first book, Facts From Space! hit the shelves in October 2016.
At the Cincinnati Observatory he has developed his skills as a dynamic writer and public speaker who brings the complicated field of astronomy down to Earth for students of all ages.
If you think our exploration of Mars ended with NASA's Curiosity, think again! A new and improved rover is heading to the red planet next year as Dean...
The mysteries of the cosmos have led to wide array of beliefs, stories, legends and more, many of which are completely fabricated with no basis in...
As the successful run of the PBS series Star Gazers comes to an end, it seemed only right to welcome in Dean's co-host of that show, James Albury, for...
Dean and Anna spend time with Randall Munroe , author of How To: Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems and creator of .
Sharing some truly fascinating stories from his days as a civilian test subject for NASA, Dean Regas and Anna Hehman welcome entrepreneur Kevin Bruns...
Summer Ash is a true renaissance woman: former rocket scientist, STEAM educator, STARtorialist blogger, and freelance science communicator.
The music you hear at the start of and throughout each episode of Looking Up is from a band called WHY? and one of its founders, Josiah Wolfe , is also...
We wrap up our celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing with one man whose perspective is uniquely different than most – Mark...
**AUDIO NOTE: We weren't in our home studio for this episode so we apologize for the audio issue during the first 90 seconds or so.** Mike Massimino...
Looking Up continues celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, this time by learning more about the entire Apollo mission with...