Amy Held
Amy Held is an editor on the newscast unit. She regularly reports breaking news on air and online.
The alligator was spotted in a city park on Tuesday but has so far managed to evade capture, despite the efforts of a local wrangler known as Alligator Bob.
Three Iranian vessels tried to block a commercial oil tanker on Wednesday before a British warship forced them back, according to the U.K. Defense Ministry.
Bernie Marcus said he was backing Trump's 2020 presidential bid, prompting a backlash against the home improvement giant. Trump, in turn, tweeted his support for Home Depot.
"The current situation is making it impossible for me to carry out my role as I would like," Kim Darroch wrote in his resignation letter following a cable leak revealing his criticism of Trump.
Chris Cline, a West Virginia native who came to be called the King of Coal, was en route to Florida when the copter went down in the waters off Grand Cay.
The preliminary agreement, reached a month after a deadly military crackdown on protesters, calls for control to rotate between military and civilian leaders for three years, until elections are held.
Parliament passed the Ending the Captivity of Whales and Dolphins Act in a move hailed by animal rights activists. Violations are punishable by fines of up to about US$150,000.
The document entitled "Male and Female He Created Them," laments what it calls an "educational crisis" around sexuality and reaffirming the church's traditional stance on gender identity.
The weekend deaths of the two horses bring the number of animals that have died at the track since December to 29. But the California park says it will remain open until racing season ends June 23.
Nearly all the phony accounts were caught by artificial intelligence and a boost in human monitoring. CEO Mark Zuckerberg said breaking up the company would make purging abusive accounts harder.