Two Ohio lawmakers want to loosen state restrictions on alcohol. The bipartisan legislation they are proposing would make it easier for churches and non-profits to gift alcohol as part of fundraising events without having to obtain permits.
State Rep. John Becker (R-Cincinnati) says Ohio has some archaic, confusing and overly burdensome alcohol laws. He is sponsoring two bills with Democrat John Rogers (D-Mentor-on-the-Lake) that would revise those restrictions.
“They are so convoluted and out of date," Becker says. "And anything we can do to reduce these regulations but still allow voter input, and both of these bills do that, is an improvement.”
Becker says the issue came to light months ago when a non-profit he supports raffled off a basket of alcohol. He says most people believe it’s legal to do that and he adds the non-profits should be to raffle off alcohol without a permit.
Their other bill would allow bars, restaurants and liquor stores to treat Sunday as any other day of the week when it comes to alcohol sales.