Young professionals in Ohio are sharing their stories, pleading that Congress pass a law that will save them from deportation. These "DREAMers," who were brought to the United States as children then lost their legal status, say America is the only home they know.
Elvis Saldias was nine-years-old when his mother brought him to America from Bolivia. He grew up undocumented after their visas expired.
With the Trump Administration winding down the DACA program, Saldias says he’s living under the possible threat of deportation without the ability to plan for the future.
“If those protections end then something as small as driving to the grocery story, getting pulled over that could be what deports somebody so there’s always that fear," Saldias says.
Saldias and fellow DREAMers said they represent the many undocumented young professionals who contribute to society in the workforce. Saldias, for example, works for Nationwide in Columbus.
They also commended Republican Ohio Reps. Steve Stivers and Pat Tiberi for sponsoring the "Recognizing America’s Children Act," which offers extended protections and a path to legal status.
So far their bill has just one Democratic sponsor.