The voter registration deadline for this falls election is nearing. Ohioans should double check now to make sure they are registered to vote. There are only a few days left to register or update your voter registration. The voter registration deadline is the end of the business day, Monday October 6th. Theres one easy way to know whether you are properly registered for this election. If you received an application in the mail in recent weeks asking you if youd like to vote absentee, you are likely registered at the correct address. If you did not receive that communication, its a good idea to go online to the Secretary of States website to check your registration. You can make some changes online. But some Ohioans, particularly those who havent voted in recent elections, might no longer be on the voter rolls. If thats the case, you will have to register to vote again. And you will likely have to do that, in person, at your local boards of election since the deadline is just days away. But after this weeks US Supreme Court decision upholding a law getting rid of the so-called Golden Week, first time voters cannot register and cast a provisional ballot on the same day.