Thousands of seniors are looking forward to graduation from Ohio State University on Sunday. But many of the university's graduating and non-graduating journalism students feel a sense of dread.
Rose Hume was responsible for teaching classes in OSU's School of Journalism and Communication. She was also the school newspaper's faculty adviser. As of June 15th, Hume is no longer employed by the university.
Journalism students are upset. They worry Hume's departure is indicative of a larger issue---phasing out the journalism program. In an effort to save Hume's job---students began a petition drive to save Hume's job.
So far the petition has collected more than 120 signatures. Students say they plan to present the petition to the administration within the next week.
Within the last decade, the university has made changes to its journalism program---in the late 90's the broadcast journalism major was discontinued and last summer the master's journalism program was discontinued and moved to another department. Also, the journalism school was merged with the school of communications.
University officials say not renewing Hume's contract is indicative of a larger issue---restructuring the journalism program, not ending it.
Tenured professors will take over advising the Lantern this summer.