A former clerk of courts convicted of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from the county received an early release from prison today.
When Judge John Connor announced he would release former clerk of courts Jesse Oddi from prison. Oddi raised his head to the ceiling and heaved a sigh of relief.
Oddi was convicted in 1998 of stealing nearly 450 thousand dollars from juvenile traffic payments over some thirteen years.
Judge Connor said Oddi showed remorse, paid back the money he stole and was a model prisoner. Connor said keeping Oddi in jail would inhibit his rehabilitaion.
Connor added Oddi worked with young people in a prison program called Pathways and participated in a self-help and evaluation program.
Jesse Oddi, when given the chance to speak on his own behalf, said he was sorry and wanted to go home.
Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O'Brien foughtOddi's release. O' Brien says Oddi should serve out the remaining 11 months of his prison sentence. Oddi's original sentence was 6 years.
O'Brien also argued, Oddi still had an outstanding balance of 140 thousand dollars to the county, although insurance and bonds have paid the remaining amount. O'Brien says funds in Oddi's retirement account could pay the balance.
The judge disagreed, saying the debt was repaid.
Jesse Oddi is now under a 5 year probation he must remain in Franklin County for one year and in the state for the remaining four years. Oddi must also perform 200 hours of community service for the next five years.