Daniel Tiger’s Be My Neighbor Day

Share Kindness with Daniel Tiger! Join us on Saturday, November 9th for our Be My Neighbor Day celebration.
Experience meaningful service learning opportunities focused around being a kind neighbor, as well as a meet and greet with Daniel Tiger and Katerina Kittycat. Materials may be limited and activities are on a first-come, first-served basis.
Families are encouraged, although not required, to donate hygiene products (NEW toothbrushes and travel-size toothpaste, deodorant, bar soap, shaving cream) for the National Veterans Memorial and Museum.
Activities include:
- Create a Kindness Card
- Assemble care packages
- Color
- Meet and Greet with Daniel Tiger and Katerina Kittycat
Event Details
Saturday, November 9th from 10:00am-12:00pm
National Veterans Memorial and Museum
300 W Broad St, Columbus, OH 43215
Visitors can park in the museum parking lot; use the entrance on Belle Street. The museum is offering free parking for Be My Neighbor Day attendees as well as free entrance to the museum.
The event is free, but advance registration is required. Registration will be limited and on a first come, first serve basis.
Register for Be My Neighbor Day!
About our Partners
The mission of the National Veterans Museum and Memorial is to honor and positively impact the lives of Veterans, their families and our communities through sharing the Veteran experience.
Since 2004, PNC has provided tools and resources that help develop curious young minds. PNC is proud to serve children from birth to five, particularly underserved children, by empowering their caregivers and supporting their teachers. For the last 15 years, PNC Grow Up Great has grown into a $500 million initiative—because birth to five is such an important time.