An irreverent look at American History.
- Kenneth Davis (âThe King of Knowing")
Don't Know Much About History, Anniversary Edition Book A new, completely revised, expanded and updated edition of the million-selling New York Times bestseller that launched the entire Donât Know Much About® series. Who really discovered America? What was âthe shot heard âround the worldâ?? Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: Did he or didnât he? From the arrival of Columbus through the bizarre election of 2000 and beyond, Davis carries readers on a rollicking ride through more than 500 years of American history. In this updated edition of the classic anti-textbook, he debunks, recounts, and serves up the real story behind the myths and fallacies of American history. For more information, check out Kenneth's sites here: www.dontknowmuch.com, http://www.facebook.com/kendavisdontknowmuch, www.twitter.com/kennethcdavis.