Newly elected governor John Kasich says, "changes are coming." A discussion of what to expect in state government, with Ohio Public Radio Statehouse news bureau chief Karen Kasler, Columbus Dispatch public affairs reporter Mark Niquette and Dayton Daily News Columbus bureau correspondent William Hershey. Related Item: Ohio Gov.-elect cautions those who don't join team - AP Ohio Gov.-elect John Kasich put Statehouse lobbyists on alert Thursday: They'd better get on board with upcoming budget cuts. The former Republican congressman told about 200 guests at a luncheon gathering at a suburban Columbus restaurant that he won't allow political bickering to hurt his intentions to position Ohio for economic recovery. "he said. "Some of it will be uncomfortable for people, but this is our chance to save this state. I don't think there's much time left. Our brand is starting to change now and we need to rebuild it, and we can."